Legacy Planning Book


Download Your Legacy Planning Book

In "A Gift of Love," real estate broker Rick Smith draws on his extensive experience handling over 1000 estates to address the common concern expressed by individuals dealing with their family's estate: the desire for crucial information that often goes undisclosed. Recognizing the absence of comprehensive guides in the market, Smith has crafted a practical "workbook" aimed at simplifying the daunting task of estate administration.

The book serves as a valuable resource, likening an estate to a jigsaw puzzle, each piece containing vital information essential for heirs and estate administrators during times of crisis. By providing a roadmap to gather and document essential details, from financial accounts to personal information for death certificates, Smith's guide facilitates a smoother process for families facing catastrophic losses or dealing with incapacity.


Work With Rick

Rick has decades of experience and is involved on the Local, State, and National Levels of Organized Real Estate. This commitment gives him additional expertise and information that other Agents typically do not have. Contact Rick today.